Famous, Rags-to-Riches Storied Actor Trott Felipe Spotted Buying Ticket to See Jarhead

In an amazing turn of events, Trott Felipe was spotted enterting the AMC Theatre on Wilshire Blvd. in Westwood. Confirmed reports from bystanders confirmed that Trott was on his way to see the new Jake Gyeelenthhtaahallll movie Jarhead, also starring Academy Award-winning, former In Living Color DJing, all-around pimp/actor/singer/comedian/Ray Charles, Jamie Foxx. It's unknown why Trott was by himself and not being escorted by a "beautiful" A-List actress like Jamie Pressley or that chick from Bring It On and Spiderman or whatever. It is assumed though, that Trott went by himself so that he could really study the movie and take notes in his notebook.
In related news, it's expected that Felipe will next take in the instant cinema classic, Get Rich Or Die Trying, starring Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, which is already being compared to Scarface by one critic (seriously) and calling "Fiddy" the next Al Pacino (not seriously, but you might as well be if you are going to make a ridiculous statement comparing Get Rich Or Die Trying to Scarface. How much did they pay that critic? ...if he even exists...). And...uhh...Trott Felipe is going to see it.