Trott Felipe Returns?

Some of the top publications in Los Angeles have been running stories entitled, "Where is Trott Felipe?" Yes, some of the top publications, which consists of somebody's blog on Myspace and a chain e-mail sent out from the secretary of Trott's acting class that he started 2 weeks ago have been wondering, what happened to one of the most promising young celebrity actors/directors in the country? It's been over a week since we last heard from Trott whose last major role was that of a young cupid in a Valentine's Day Actor-Gram.
Well, The Trott Felipe Fan Club has good news folks, we spotted Trott at the In & Out Burger on Sunset Blvd. right next to Hollywood High. He is back and he explains where he was:
"Yeah, the reason I haven't been around is because I Yeah... that's it...the Olympics in Tortilenni, Italy. They wanted some celebrities from America to carry the umm...what's it called?...the...oh yeah...the torch in the Opening Ceremonies so they asked me, Trott Timothy Felipe to carry the torch. It was a....great...opportunity. I'd like to thank the Olympic Committee for inviting me. It was awesome. Yeah, Germany was great. I ate a lot of their native cuisine, including spaghetti, garlic bread and red whine or in Italian, vino. Uhh... yeah. I also tried to join the U.S. Curling team but they said they had a full roster. I think they made me honorary alternate though because of my celebrity power. It was a great experience and I'm glad to be home. USA! USA! USA! I can't wait until next year's Olympics!"
Trott Felipe PSA: Hey kids, have you ever bought a fuel tank? Well guess what? That sucks. You could have bought an Orlando Vacation Rental or an Orlando Vacation Home Rental. The difference? No idea. Also, don't do drugs.
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