Trott Felipe To Release His Own Jewelry Line?

After a successful week of extra work on Navy NCIS, and encouragement from friends, Trott Felipe is said to be opening his own line of jewelry. Trott's primary focus will be gemstone jewelry and Pet ID Tags to start. The renaissance man said that his father used to do precious metals quotes and that ever since then, he has "dreamed of getting involved in jewelry." The line of jewelry will be sold at a location right next to the Beverly Center in Los Angeles (the trunk of Trott Felipe's 1995 Honda Accord Station Wagon in the Beverly Center parking lot, location 3F). Apparently Trott saw what Paris Hilton and other celebrities have done with their own lines of jewelry and figured it was the next step in his legendary career. Trott also said, "Man, Jacob The Jeweler is like really cool too. You always hear rappers say his name in songs and stuff. Someday that will be me bro. Just watch." The source of Trott's jewelry is unknown and it is yet to be seen, how the first jewelry line by a male celebrity will do. Trott isn't worried about this, as he points out, "Dude, everbody has got to get their jewelry somewhere. Why not from Trott the Teweler?"
Trott PSA: Hey kids, have you accidentally taken the drug bextra after discovering it under the kitchen sink? You may need one, or a whole team of bextra lawyers. I don't know where to find them, but that sucks for you. You should work on that.
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