My Name Is Trott Felipe... and I'm An Actor

"In the summer of 2005, I came to Hollywood with only $312 dollars, a car packed with clothes, a 20 inch TV and a Nintendo Gamecube. When I got to my studio apartment, my car broke down and 2 of the wheels fell off. I would never drive it again. I would have to walk everywhere and use LA's shitty public transit system to get from audition to audition. I had to sell drugs to little kids and work at Starbucks just to pay the rent, and that's not even counting utilities. Every person I met didn't become a friend or colleague, they became a stepping stone, somebody that I could use to reach my goals in Hollywood. I would no longer ask "What's your name?" I would ask, "What can you do for me?" My name is Trott Felipe, and I'm an actor."
-Trott Felipe, 1/29/2006 while watching the Screen Actors Guild Awards
Congratulations Trott!
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