Trott Felipe Attends Grammy's........After-Party At Saddle Ranch

In a surprise move, Celebrity Trott Austin Felipe, skipped the 48th Annual Grammy Awards (where he would have been a seat-filler but was barred from such activity after the Golden Globe Awards), and headed straight for the After-Party at Saddle Ranch on Sunset Blvd. There was some confusion after Trott accidentally showed up first at the Saddle Ranch at Universal's City Walk, where Trott discovered it was Asian Teenager night. Trott quickly corrected the problem by having his limo driver (taxi driver) rush him over to Sunset.
The party, hosted by an assistant to some A&R person at one of the major record labels, was a smash-hit and went platnium once Trott showed up. Trott partied it up with all of the biggest names in assistance of executives in the music biz. Even Surprise-Guest, Native-American Guy from The Black Eyed Peas showed up. Trott rode the bull, bought rounds of kamikaze shots for tons of chicks and even punched out a bartender wearing a pink cowboy hat, without getting in trouble. Experts are calling it "The Russell Crowe."
All-in-all it was a great way to cap-off the celebration of music and the people that make money from it.
Trott capped off his night as well by taking home a fat chick, passing out fully-clothed on his floor face down in a pile of his own vomit and not remembering anything the next morning. Wow. Celebrities. They sure are entertaining. And they are just like us!
Trott Felipe PSA: Hey kids, the Trottmeister doesn't condone underage drinking and passing out in your own vomit. It's never a good idea, and it could even kill you. So take it from me, Trott Felipe: Drugs Destroy Dreams...but alcohol doesn't, as long as you are 21. So drink up and be merry bros. over 21! I'm Trott Felipe. I'm Trott...Felipe.
Trott Felipe's favorite website is period.
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