Thursday, June 01, 2006

Trott Felipe Takes on Orlando

Get a Rental Home in Orlando Dude!

You should get an Orlando Rental Home today! Did you know that Orlando welcomes more visitors each year than the population of California?! That's over 43.3 million. Booiiinnggg! This makes Orlando one of the biggest vacation destinations! Now let's talk numbers. Most of those tourists and vacationers stay in one of 100,000 hotel rooms and on top of that, they visit 7 major theme parks., also, there are 185,000 people in Orlando and the Metro-Orlando population is 1,500,000. It's no wonder that tourism surrounding Orlando is worth billions of dollars to Orlando's economy. Why wouldn't it be! Hey-yo! Tourism is a very rewarding field to be a part of and you guessed it, Orlando has many opportunities within that industry.This place they call Orlando is a great environment to enjoy your leasure time and raise a family. All 7 counties in the Central Florida area offer a wide range of life styles...for any age. This includes (but is not limited too) real estate in upscale gated neighborhoods, golf course communities, charming, old-fashioned towns, and areas with excellent schools.Downtown has seen a great increase in growth and is a mixture of condominiums with great views and other things you can enjoy like: vintage homes in the historic neighborhoods of Thorton Park, Lake Eola Heights, Lake Lawsona, Lake Cherokee, and Lake Copeland. Awesome! Awesome! One more time....Awesome!

Downtown is trendy with diversity of restaurants, retailers, discos, and bars all within walking distance.Also, check out Baldwin Park, which is a traditional neighborhood with architecture reminiscent of the pre-1940's era in Central Florida. You gotta love architecture history yall. Not only all of this but, the wonderful climate and year round sunshine that your family deserves will make for a great vacation, holiday or siesta! You can even take a 45 minute drive from the theme parks to a countryside that is very similar to the UK but with rolling hills and oak trees.

Now you find yourself in horse breeding country and you can travel south and take a freakin airboat ride across the Everglades! Unbelievable! They even have the best shopping in USA. Check out Central Orlando rental homes today!! Before it's's never too late, just do it!

You know what else you should do folks? You can buy Flowers!!!!!! Awesome!!!! These aren't just any flowers though. These aren't your mother's flowers. hey-yo! This is an interesting arts and crafts project that helps you create a monogram of flowers! It's written y Cahtie Filian and Steve Piacenza who are from the DIY Network. They are pretty much the coolest people I know. Even though I don't exactly know them. Summer is here, so draw inspiration from all of the color of blooming flowers outside and create a floral monogram to decorate part of your home. It's easy! And the possiblities are endless!

You can make something that fits your own personal style and decor by using different flowers and ribbons. Cathie made a great gift for her mother-in-law's birthday and she hung it on her front door. So you are probably asking....How do I do it?’s how to create your own:

Supplies: _ 6-inch wood letter of choice _ white craft paint & paintbrush _
floral print scrapbook paper _ glue stick _ hot glue _ tacky glue _1 large silk
hydrangea 1/4-inch decorative ribbon (enough to go around your letter, plus 10
inches) small rhinestones or ultra fine glitter Plaque Steps: 1. Paint the back,
front and sides of the letter with the white craft paint and allow to dry. 2.
Lightly trace the letter onto the scrapbook paper. Cut out the tracing and use a
glue stick to attach the paper to the front of the letter. Then, use your
fingers to press out any air bubbles. 3. Cut 10 inches off your decorative
ribbon. (This will be your hanger) Turn the letter over and attach the ribbon
hanger by forming a “U” shape with the ribbon and hot gluing the ends of the
ribbon to the back of the letter about 2 inches from the top. 4. Using your hot
glue gun, attach the remaining ribbon around the outer edge of the letter. 5.
Break apart the silk flower so you have lots of little petals. Use hot glue to
attach the petals to the front of the letter. (You can glue them in a random
pattern or a design of your choice) Use a drop of glue and add a few sprinkles
of ultra fine glitter to the center of the petals or add rhinestones for
decorative effect.

Isn't that awesome!??! flowers today. Do it!

Also...Buy Silver yo!

And Silver...Did I mention that you should also buy Silver? No, seriously, it's awesome. It's just as awesome as the Chicago Bulls.Gas used to be only 25-cents a gallon. No, it really used to be. You could take only a dollar to the gas station and buy four...count em...four gallons for a buck! Are you serial!? Back then, the dollar was actually backed by REAL money which was real silver. Are you following me? Yeah? Well, the same amount of silver still buys four gallons of gas! Did you know that!? Isn't that amazing!? That just shows that real money like gold and silver holds its value and it is the green paper money that is now worth a lot less.

Actually, when you think about it, materials such as gas, food and whatever hasn't gotten more expensive. It just seems that way because the value of green paper money is worth less. Duh. It takes more to by the same goods and services.A log of people think prices have gone up, but in reality, the US dollar is kind of screwing us and has gone down too.

Portfolio diversification and that 10% to 20# of an investor's assets should be devoted to tangible assets such as gold, silver and platinum bullion and bullion coins. That is what investment experts are saying ya'll. If you ask me, Monex has the experience, expertise and also... the resources to serve most any precious metals investor's needs. They have been doing this since 1967. 1967. Most of you weren't even born yet and people thought the term "blog" was some kind of hallucination monster. They have well over one hundred thousand investors who have purchased billions of dollars of gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion and buillion coins. They are one of the country's oldest, largest and most experienced.

If I were you...and I'm not...but if I was - I would contact them ASAP! Silver - it's awesome!

One more thing...

In case you didn't notice: It's wedding season. You are going to need wedding cameras.
You'll need a lot, but you should get that first, so you can take pictures of the wedding and everything leading up to it. Your wedding budget and figuring it out can be stressful enough, whether you are wanting a lavish hotel affair or a more, intimate garden-style get-together wedding. Who's gonna pay for it? Talk with your family about who will pay for what. Some bride's families will still pick up the entire tab, but more and more, groom's families are participating too. Probably the best way to bring this conversation up is to talk to each family seperately first. Here are good strategies for figuring out the budget when you do talk:

* Ask both of your parents to commit to a specific dollar amount, and then
add up all the contributions. That will help you create your budget.
* It may be easier to ask each set of parents to finance a
particular aspect of the wedding (such as the ceremony, honeymoon, or catering)
instead of just committing to a dollar amount.
* Decide how much you two can contribute between now and the wedding. (37 %
of the couples we polled say they're planning to contribute financially to their
wedding.) Just like buying shoes, an apartment, or a pair of jeans, when it comes to financing a wedding, you should figure out how much you need to spend to get what you want. Set your expectations accordingly. Knot Note: The average cost for a 150-person wedding is about $25,000 (higher in urban areas).
* Here is a basic breakdown of what you can expect to pay: Reception:
48%-50% Ceremony: 2%-3% Attire: 8%-10% Flowers: 8%-10%Entertainment/Music: 8%-10% Photography/Videography: 10%-12% Stationery: 2%-3% Wedding Rings: 2%-3% Parking/Transportation: 2%-3% Gifts: 2%-3% Miscellaneous: 8% * To avoid stress, allot about 5% of your budget for a "just-in-case" fund. * If you're paying for your honeymoon yourselves, remember to budget for that as well. As soon as you're engaged, start putting aside as much of your income as you can for the wedding. Saving 20% of your monthly income is a good -- though painful -- goal. The longer your engagement, the more you'll be able to sock away.
* Best Ways to save: Limit your spending on the small stuff (rent movies instead
of going to the theatre; go to Starbucks once instead of twice a day; download just
the song you love instead of buying the whole CD). Those changes will hardly
affect your quality of life, but after a year, that extra cash will cover some
wedding essentials.
* Get the most out of your money: Instead of stashing your money in a
low-interest savings account, consider buying CDs or opening a money-market
account. The interest rate can possibly double that of a savings account. Just make sure to check the fine print to avoid penalties.

Use these strategies for planning your wedding and you can't go wrong! Have a good wedding!


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