Monday, November 12, 2007

Turkey is cool

Tourism is a huge industry nowadays and everyone wants a piece of the pie. I live in California and I saw a commercial telling me to go to Arkansas…yeah right. But one thing I will say about the Arkansas commercial is that it was honest advertising. It showed that I could go ride horses and roller coasters. And I could catch a delicious bass. Not the most exciting trip but none the less honest. But I think the country of Turkey might have a hard time telling the truth.

So if you go to Turkey, you will be able to go flying through the skys on a surfboard. You will see flying mermaids, a dancing lady that walks on water, and a giant man jumping buildings and bridges on his giant horse. This should not be a commercial for Turkey. It should be a commercial for Amsterdam. You are ten times more likely to see a flying mermaid in Amsterdam. Especially after making a purchase at any of the local cafes.


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