Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sleeping sucks

Anyway, I usually go into work at 6:00pm and leave at 2:30am-3:00am. Ok...I admit...occassionally I will get out early... at 1:30am or 2:00am, but not during the holiday season we are in. Oh yeah, also, on Fridays nobody comes in to relieve me so I stay until everybody else in the building is done working(Funny story: A few weeks ago I got to work at 6pm and left at 7:30am on Saturday morning). After I get home from work, no matter how tired I was at work, I usually am wired and wide awake so I stay up until 4:00am or 5:00am writing, or just trying to get to sleep. I get up early the next morning depending on what I have lined up, but I sleep in until noon or so if I need the sleep. As hard as I try, I can't get up early everyday when I go to sleep at a time past 2:30am. I need to sleep in at least a few of the days during the week, otherwise I become irritable, tired, slow, and pretty much a useless robot. (which is what this job does to me anyway but not on as grand of a scale if I get to sleep in a few days) So naturally, my system is all messed up, I never know whether to eat breakfast or lunch when I wake up. I eat meals at different times of the day, everyday. I gotta get out of this schedule sometime soon, but basically what I'm saying is please refrain from the comments. They are really not helping morale around B-Laesch Productions. Luckily, after reading this government-issued report on my sleeping policy, you now know more about the situation.


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