Saturday, January 27, 2007

Trott Wonders About The Box Office...

Every 10 years, a film comes along that becomes the voice for a generation...this is not that film...and neither was Save the Last Dance, Honey, Glitter, You Got Served, Bring it On or Fat Albert.
Every 10 years, a film comes along that changes the world and brings world peace, starring a guy who was in a heavily-played Mountain Dew commercial.
Every 10 years, a film comes along...with a title so generic, it tries to sell to the broadest audience possible by recycling the same old script and inserting new actors.
Every 10 years...they remake Flashdance, Dirty Dancing and every single TV show from the 70's.
Every 10 years...a film comes along...that is marketed so well, it finishes the weekend at #2 in the Box Office, behind Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. That's right, every 10 years they make a movie called Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.
Every 10 years...they make a film...targeted directly at teenage girls...that they try to hype up by calling it the "voice of a generation," and implying that a film like it hasn't come out in the last 10 years...let alone the last 6 months.
Every 10 years...I make fun of stuff that I haven't, and will never see.
Every 10 years...I burn as many bridges as possible with my blog...but I don't want to go where those bridges would take me anyway. Oh snap! That was like a metaphor or a simile or an analogy or something.


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