Sunday, January 13, 2008

A car in the middle of the street? Come on B. Spears.

Britney Spears’ white Mercedes has been impounded according to L.A. police said. She was a silly billy and left her car in the middle of the road because of a flat tire. Wonkers!

“Ms. Spears’ car was impounded,” Police Lt. David Grimes says. “Officers on the scene told me it was blocking the roadway and that it was unsafe enough to leave at the location.” Zonkerz!!!

Spears is unlikely to be blamed for the traffic her car caused because it was disabled, but she would still have to pay the fees. After she left the car, Spears was given a ride by some of the photographers who had been following her. Boooiiinnnggg! Can you believe it!? Hey-oh! Celebrity gossip makes me have wet dreams when I'm awake! Blam-o!


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