Thursday, November 09, 2006

Trott Felipe Likes Degrees (Not the deodorant)

Man, I'm tellin ya bro, you should be interested in degree programs.Serially folks. Have you heard of Capella University? No, not singing acopella. Capella. They were founded in '93. They are an ACCREDITED online university. They offer pretty much everything that normal colleges do. I don't think they have online fraternities/sororities yet though.

But they have graduate degree programs in business, information technology, education, human services, and psychology. They, to make that even mo crazy, mo chedda, mo bangin', they have and bachelor degree programs in business and information technology! Boo-yah! But wait...there's more!! They have seventy-six graduate and undergraduate specializations. And each of those specializations have sixteen certificate specializations yo. Honkified! Right now they be servin' up 16,000 students. But not just any 16,000 students. It's 16,000 students from all 50 states and 63 countries, yo. They are freakin' sick...and their offices are located in Chicago, so you gots ta call em! Ugghhhh!!!!


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